Password constraints in FOSUserBundle

I’ve recently tried to modify the password constraints of FOSUserBundle. To my surprise I’ve discovered that this is a little bit tricky.

Before you start I would suggest taking a look at validation.xml in the config directory of FOSUserBundle There you’ll find all the pre-defined constraints. As you can see, there is a class named FOS\UserBundle\Form\Model\ChangePassword. This is the data class, which is used in the change password form instead of the actual entity. So you have to change the password constraints on the User as well as on the ChangePassword class.

I have a bundle, which is extending FOSUserBundle, so I thought it is straight forward: Create a validation.xml which is overwriting the original one and put my own constraints in there. Unfortunatley that doesn’t work, instead my own constraints will simply be added to the default ones. So how to get rid of them? The trick is to define your own validation group.

This is how my configuration for the ChangePassword class looks like. The same goes for the User class.


By default FOSUserBundle is using the ChangePassword group to validate the change password form. With some extra lines in config.yml you can tell it to use a different one:

            validation_groups: [MyChangePassword, Default]

Now FOSUserBundle is using the MyChangePassword validation group for validation. This is also working for other forms like registration or the user profile. Take a look at the class FOS\UserBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration and search for validation_groups to find out more about the configuration.

Default Values for Parameters

Sometimes it makes sense to have a default value for parameters. This can be done by creating a new file parameters_default.yml (can be any name you like) and adding it to config.yml just before parameters.yml.

    - { resource: parameters_default.yml }
    - { resource: parameters.yml }
    locale: en
    secret: abcdefg1234567890

Now you can overwrite the default values in parameters.yml on demand but you’re not longer forced to define those parameters.

    locale: de

Using Parameters in Routes

You can use parameters from parameters.yml in routes. There are serveral use-cases when this may be useful.

Let’s say you want to localize your routes but you want to store the list of available locales only once. Then you could define a parameter in config.yml:

    allowed_locales: en|de|fr

Now you can use the parameter in your routing.yml:

    resource: "@MyBundle/Controller/"
    prefix:   /{_locale}
    type:     annotation
        _locale: %allowed_locales%

Another use-case is routes based on a hostname. Instead of writing the hostname directly into routing.yml you could use a parameter, as seen in the official documentation.

As fas as I know parameters only work for routes defined in YAML, XML or PHP. If it also works for annotation routes, please let me know.